community Groups

About Community Groups

All throughout Scripture, we see we are meant to live in community. God has made us relational beings who thrive in the context of healthy, biblical community. Springs Community Groups exist to connect people in authentic relationships leading to spiritual transformation. It is in community we are best known, loved, and cared for, pursued, encouraged, and challenged to be more like Christ.

We have groups of all life stages gathering weekly to practice the “one anothers” of Scripture together. We gather to connect relationally, build up one another’s faith, study God’s Word, and hold each other accountable. As we search God’s Word, we see 6 biblical principles that form a framework for thinking through discipleship in Community Groups.
Devote Daily – Devote daily to a personal relationship with Jesus (John 15:5)
Pursue Relationally – Pursue relationships out of love and respect (Romans 12:10)
Counsel Biblically – Offer and receive biblical counsel in all things (2 Tim. 3:16-17)
Live Authentically – Choose to openly share our struggles and victories (James 5:16)
Encourage & Admonish Faithfully – Sharpen each other in maturity (Colossians 3:16)
Engage Missionally – Serve our city and the world to make disciples (Matt. 28:19-20)

How to Join a Community Group

Step 1: Become a Member

Membership is your first step before you join a community group or serve in many ministry areas. During this process, you’ll learn what it means to be on mission and get an overview of our equipping, serving, and connecting opportunities. 

Join us for Membership Class held on the second Sunday of every month.

Step 2: Join a Group

Community Groups exist to connect people in authentic relationships leading to spiritual transformation. Community Groups are the primary place of discipleship within The Springs, so we ask all Members to be in a Community Group.

If you are not in a Community Group, email our Community Director, Andy Phipps, for more information.