Get to Know Us
We want to help you take your next, best step. Whether you want to jump straight into Membership to join a Community Group or you simply want to spend some time at one of our mid-week ministries, come learn what we’re all about. If you have been walking Christ for decades, or you are new to faith itself, we have a place for you.
What's your next step?
Step 1: Become a Member
Membership is your first step before you join a community group or serve in many ministry areas. During this process, you’ll learn what it means to be on mission and get an overview of our equipping, serving, and connecting opportunities.
Join us for Membership Class held on the second Sunday of every month.
Join us for Membership Class held on the second Sunday of every month.
Step 2: Join a Group
Community Groups exist to connect people in authentic relationships leading to spiritual transformation. Community Groups are the primary place of discipleship within The Springs, so we ask all Members to be in a Community Group.