Who we are

Our Mission

Springs Community Church exists to help people love and live for Jesus. While we don’t take ourselves too seriously, we do take our faith seriously. We believe  Jesus changes everything, and God wants a relationship with everyone. Therefore, we call all people to be fully-devoted followers of Christ. Our goal is to help all people believe in Christ, belong to His body, be trained in Truth, and be strong in a life of service . Because we take the Great Commission seriously (Matthew 28:19-20), we evaluate our success by our ability to be and make disciples. Whether you’re presently working through faith itself or abiding with Christ, we are here to help you take your next, best step.

Our Story

A group of families who sought excellence in biblical teaching and were passionate about prayer, began a home prayer group that quickly grew into something more. As believers radically pursuing Jesus Christ who radically pursued them – they sought something more than just another Sunday event or another checkbox on an all too busy schedule. Over the next several months, this group of families met regularly and experienced biblical community first hand through multiple unique experiences. They agreed to commit themselves to be the church seven days a week and to seek rich biblical community.

 As the  group grew, they began a  deep study of the scriptures regarding every aspect Jesus instructed for His Church. After study and seeking the council of many that had gone before them, ten families began the journey of forming a local, non-denominational church for the community. Over the seven months that followed, these families met weekly and the men formed a group of Trustees responsible for guiding the efforts of the group and forming what has become  Springs Community Church. Each of these families pursued forming biblical community groups, labored multiple nights each week, worshiped together, admonished one another, and sought biblical truth as they served each other and the greater community.

In October of 2013,  Springs Community Church opened its doors as a group of Christ followers seeking full devotion daily.

After being lay-led for four years, John Almquist was hired  as the first Lead Pastor. John's arrival brought the  addition of new staff, the launch of new ministries, and a continued commitment to living in biblical community that impacts the city around us.

The Springs continues striving and growing in our mission to help people love and live for Jesus. While our methods of carrying out this mission continue to improve and adapt, our commitment to the mission has never changed. We know that Jesus changes everything, so we work hard to foster discipleship environments for every Member and attender.

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