A family is a family with or without a house, but every family seeks a home for generations.

We’re looking for a long-term home to house the discipleship of our growing church family. We envision a location and eventual facility that will stand for generations as a place where people can seek Jesus, be transformed by His grace, and grow in their love of Him. We are not looking for a facility that will simply make it easier for us to go to church, but we are looking for a long-term home where God can continue calling us to be His church. We’re seeking a home where we can grow in our love and life with Christ, together.

Our Heart

With or without a long-term home, the Springs will always seek to help people love and live for Jesus, together.

As a New Testament church, we want to do this as a family. From a living room, to camp spaces, to a doctor's office waiting room, to the ballroom, and now a converted Gym–we have always been committed to pursuing the things of Jesus together.

Without any form of an intentional strategy towards growth besides pursuing faithfulness and resting in God’s grace, The Springs has been blessed to experienced significant growth over these past few years. Going from a 10 families seeking how God would have them advance His Kingdom in our city, to a gathering of now just under 1,000 – He is doing something. Most importantly, we are not just seeing a numerical growth but we are watching Him transform lives. Adults are trusting Christ, addictions are being broken, marriages are being reunited, the next generation is being raised up, people are coming to love His Word, and a people are sincerely seeking God over anything else. 

The Springs is by no means a perfect place or a perfect people, but our Perfect God is doing something – we can feel it.

Our Limitations

In a beautiful way–we are running out of space.

We have not sought intentional growth through strategy, and yet God has brought people. Our space constraints are beginning to seriously impact our discipleship opportunities both on Sundays and during the week.
  • Reaching capacity for Adults & Kids in our Sunday services
  • Out of space for mid-week ministries
  • Out of space for Staff Pastoral Meetings

We desire to create a welcoming environment for everyone God sends.

Our heart is to never turn away a child, adult, or family seeking to worship God with our church family. However, once we reach full capacity in our current space, we will have no other option than to turn people away from our Sunday Gatherings and mid-week discipleship ministries.

We feel called to create spaces for in-depth discipleship of everyone God brings.

In obedience to the Great Commission (Matthew 29:19-20), The Springs feels called by God to be a church family that is opening to all, but has a heart to strengthen and equip God’s people (Ephesians 4:16). In the last three months alone, we have had to say no to hosting three amazing discipleship opportunities, simply because we do not have the space.

Our Opportunity

We have the opportunity to purchase 18 acres of land at the corner of River Road and Loop 337. Our hope is to develop this land with a facility that will house our church family for years to come.

We are breaking this opportunity out into two phases–Phase 1: Land Acquisition and Phase 2: Facility Construction. While we obviously need Phase 1 first, we are beginning this process with the end in mind. There is no point in purchasing land if we can't afford to build on it. We aren't looking for an investment; we are looking for a home.

Phase 1: Land Acquisition

  • $4,500,000 – 10 Acres on Hard Corner
  • $3,000,000 – Acres Supporting
  • $500,000 – Development & Design Fees
  • $8,000,000 – Total Cost

Phase 2: Facility Construction

  • $15,000,000-$20,000,000 – Estimated Construction Costs

Through the Springs' cash reserves as well as an unsolicited significant donation, we've already raised 25% towards our $8M goal.

Your Invitation


  • Join us each Wednesday in prayer and fasting over this decision.
  • Pray for clarity and unity amongst our body.
  • Pray if this is not God's will that God would make it abundantly clear.
  • Pray that He would lead us where He wants us, and we trust Him no matter what.


  • We invite you to share your excitement, hopes, dreams, as well as your questions and concerns. Feel free to reach out in any of these ways.
    • Email Your Feedback
    • Schedule a Meeting – Over the next two months, the leadership of the Springs is committed to meeting with any Member, Community Group, or any other person who is committed to the Springs.
    • Q&A – We will host an all-church Q&A to answer frequently asked questions. Keep your eyes out for more details.  


  • In prayer before God, we're calling our Body to give over and above their standard tithe towards this project. We recognize that we are calling our body to radical generosity. God is the one who releases resources and we trust him.

  • While we would love to raise as much as possible in cash donations over the next 8 weeks, we are also seeking pledge commitments to be paid over the next two years.

Ways to Give

Please note all online giving are subject to processing fees - the most cost effective way is to give online is ACH which has the lowest fees. You can give online using the link above, be sure to select Finding Home.

Cash or Check

Please feel free to drop cash or checks in the Giving Bucket on Sunday mornings or you may mail a check:
Springs Community Church
PO Box 310338
New Braunfels TX 78131.

Please include a note on or with your donation that says Finding Home.
Use the online giving link above and select Stocks under the "How would you like to give?" dropdown. This will create a pledge of stock and email you the account information needed to transfer your stock for donation to the Springs. After you initiate the transfer from your portfolio and the proceeds are received by the Springs, you will receive a receipt acknowledging your donation for tax exemption.

If you sell appreciated stock and donate the cash proceeds, you may be subject to long term capital gains taxes which can be a significant portion of the appreciated value.  By donating the stock directly to the church, you can avoid that tax altogether and make your gift go further!
We are seeking to raise as much as we can in the next 8 weeks, but recognize you may want to give over the next two years. Please use the link above to share your pledge commitment.

“Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name. Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven." Matthew 6:9-10.

The Springs is His Church. We are for His Kingdom. We trust His Will. Amen.